⭐️GSD Pro [2022-1-27] ⭐️ SAMSUNG First in the world updated

What is news?​
  • samsung services updated

  • Fixed all reported bugs
  • Fixed screenshot issues

  • All Features is automatically (no need da,auth,preloader or select chipset)
  • added new devices detect and chipset (All Chipset is auto no need to choose platform or more just connect and enjoy)
  • updated Repair imei and read info in AT Mode
  • brom service Root functions updated

  • The working mechanism of the GSD dongle is such that the feature related to the selected model is shown to you.
  • Therefore, if you want to use the following features, you must select your device model from the list of models to display the relevant feature for you.
  1. [First in the world] samsung mediatek devices Flash tar(lz4, raw image) firmware in bootrom service (with bootkey or testpoint) (Recovery dead boot or update) in this case you can back to life device with firmware without jtag
  2. [First in the world] Samsung mediatek devices Root in brom service ( this features erase auto frp and rooting device) (with bootkey or testpoint)
  3. samsung mediatek device bypass frp in bootrom service (with bootkey or testpoint)
  4. Root Functions updated
  5. New samsung Mediatek Models added in the models list (just need to search and select from model list)

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